Step 1 - Contact us
Please choose how you would like to get in contact by clicking one of the grey tabs below.
Complete with one form and receive your estimate within 48 hrs
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Step 2 - Receive Your Quote
You will receive a quotation within 48 hours, each quote is individually tailored to your requirement and will itemise the services you may require. We offer great discounts for those opting for planning or building regulation packages.
Let us know that you would like to proceed and we will arrange for services as detailed in your quotation. If you require plans this will usually require a site survey. To find out more about the process please go to our about the process page.
Step 3 - Design
You will receive a draft set of drawings detailing the proposed design this may include options for alternative layouts. These drawings are for your mark-up and our discussion.
Step 4 - Final plans
Once you have agreed upon a design we will finalise you plans, gather the necessary information for our application
Step 5 - Submission
We will complete the application forms for council submission and provide full agent services including following up with any council revision requests as a standard service.
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